We provide housing-related support services across five local authorities with the aim to prevent homelessness or to support those that are homeless to move on to permanent accommodation successfully. Our services are person-centred and strengths based, focusing on what matters to each individual we support rather than 'what's the matter with you'.
We have implemented psychologically informed Environment (PIE) practice into our support services provision. This training and practice framework alongside Hafod’s principles and behaviours underpins our approach in Support.

Managing partner portfolio
Our managing partner portfolio comprises of 45 settings across south east Wales. These settings are managed by 12 partners offering over 250 homes Stats.
We work with the following partners to provide good quality homes for a wide range of individuals who require short and long-term supported accommodation:
Partnership working
We are always looking for opportunities to collaborate and develop services with other organisations. If you would like to work with us in delivering innovative support across south Wales we would love to hear from you.
If you are looking for a property to deliver supported housing provision you can also contact us here.