Our Scrutiny Panel is made up of volunteer customers and plays a key role in helping to improve our services.
The panel meet regularly to review performance and make recommendations to ensure our customers have a voice, placing them at the heart of everything we do. They met recently and here is a summary of the outcomes from their meeting.
- Board update - Panel have an understanding of the items discussed and decisions made at Board level, also an appreciation of the renewed focus on the customer of the Board and look forward to hearing more about this and seeing outcome actions
- Customer Strategy - Panel members are better informed of the Customer Strategy aims and have the opportunity to shape the strategy's development
- Customer Services performance update - a dedicated session will be held in July to discuss customer service improvements, not only from customer services team but the organisation as a whole. Open invites will also be made via the new monthly customer eNewsletter, Hafod Connect, and our social channels to maximise engagement.
- Engagement update - Members are aware of the increasing range of ways customers can be heard and can influence throughout all areas of the organisation
Their next meeting in September will focus on planned maintenance (bathrooms and kitchens) and a walk through of our new website from a customers perspective.
Are you interested in these topics, why not get in touch with Michelle McGregor on 07796 547986 or email getinvolved@hafod.org.uk to start your journey to make our customers lives better. Learn more about how you can get involved.