Your neighbourhood housing coach is here to support you with all aspects of your tenancy and can also help to connect you with local resources, support and social activities.

Our team of neighbourhood income coaches are also available to support you with your financial well-being, not just by helping you sustain your contract with us by paying your rent but also providing support to help you acheive your financial well-being goals.

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Close up of a colleague working on their laptop at head office

Our digital transformation

We’ve listened to your feedback through our digital ideas channel and we’re pleased that your suggestions align with our digital transformation plans.

Lady standing at her open front door

Your new contract

As part of the Renting Homes Act changes, contract holders who began their tenancy before 1 December 2022 will recently have received their new converted occupation contract to sign and keep.

Mould on the wall being cleaned with a sponge

Mould and damp

If there is mould or damp in your home, there are some activity changes you can make to help avoid this. Read our top tips on reducing the amount of mould and damp in your home.